
Housing and Development

With his decades of hands-on and life-in experience as tenant, contractor, and home-owner, Dan will advance sensible, responsive housing and development policies to effectively support livable and affordable housing, neighborhood preservation and development, while learning as well from successful policies of many other cities like Burlington, Vermont and Ashville, North Carolina.

Traffic, Parking, and Transportation

Time-stealing traffic disturbs our city, debilitating parking efficiency, while pedestrians and bicyclists are injured and even killed on our streets. We can do better.  Why not initiate a public iteration of Uber/Lyft?  An app-driven Cambridge car service would solve several problems at once: each vehicle serving dozens of people daily, effectively weeding out congestion, with a ride-sharing option raising efficiency . This would naturally significantly free up parking.


It is seriously past time to improve Cambridge public education. Here we have the most extraordinary resources for world-class first-quality education with the best minds on the planet. What's wrong that we haven't properly sorted this through to get this right? Do we want troubled children and drop-outs?  We can and must, in concert with the School Committee, see to it that education in Cambridge effectively serves every child.


We all suffer victim to over-priced, under-performing internet, which is slow and expensive for no reason but that it is under the control of a for-profit monopoly whose government-subsidized and long-ago paid for infrastructure and operating technology they inherited. They keep it needlessly expensive and absurdly slow.  This could be remedied by the flip of a switch.  Obnoxiously, this monopoly doles access at a fraction of the speed of cities all around the country. and the world.  It is in our power and interest to provide internet as a public utility, cheap and fast to all.


Environment, Climate Change, Efficiency and Sustainable Energy  

Encourage installation of solar to all structures in Cambridge, along with thorough effective insulation, and not forgetting bikes and electric vehicles, This is our only world.  Let’s pass it forward better, not worse!

Incumbents performing as corporate politicians

City council members who are not working for us, but for their own interests, not for the people of Cambridge, but captured by the fallibility of our democracy: money-in-politics may serve us best to be encouraged to follow their money outside of government into the private sector to whom they are, in reality, beholden. Dan will take no corporate and developer money.  Ever.  He’s running for nothing more or less than to work effectively for the good of the people of Cambridge.  In this endeavor, in contrast to several sitting members, he will work full-time.

Dan Lenke Ward 6 Cambridge City Council Forum 2017

Neighbors and Neighborhoods

We can and must enjoy our neighbors and our neighborhoods in order to help and enjoy our lives in our city.  Let it be the city's mission to help us to introduce us to,  see that we are securely comfortable, and ready to be helpful with one another.

Libraries and community centers

Certainly we can do more for all our different needs and options with these ready resources.


Let's resolve this effectively, intentionally, proactively.

Dan Lenke A Better Cambridge: Cambridge City Council Candidate Forum 2017